It's Magic
A One Hundredth Birthday Celebration of Sammy Cahn
It's Magic Benjamin Sears & Bradford Conner with Leigh Barret, Cynthia Monk, and Peter Miller
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Reaching for the Moon
Songs by Irving Berlin, 1925-1935
Reaching for the Moon Benjamin Sears & Bradford Conner with Leigh Barret, Cynthia Monk, and Peter Miller
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Marching Along With Time
Words and Music by Irving Berlin
Marching Along With Time the newest Irving Berlin CD from The Smart Set.
Great songs from the Astaire/Rogers films, Holiday Inn, and Alexander's Ragtime Band;
selections from This Is The Army and other songs from World War II.
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Come On and Hear!
Irving Berlin Songs from 1909-1915
". . .a delightful collection" (Show Music)
"This CD covers the early career of Berlin and captures his exuberant, spirited style with aplomb. All [the songs] are given a scholarly approach by the team in a style reminiscent of Joan Morris and William Bolcom's celebrated Berlin album. Sears sings in a pleasing, light baritone throughout, while Conner provides expert piano accompaniment. Here's a set that grows on you with repeated listenings."
(Bay Windows, Boston)
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Keep on Smiling
Irving Berlin Songs from 1915-1918
"Talking of rediscoveries, the Boston-based duo of Benjamin Sears and Bradford Conner continue their early work with Keep On Smiling . . . this album from the cabaret archivists gives us twenty almost forgotten First World War marching songs. Who'd have thought that there were that many by Berlin that we always ignored?"
(Sheridan Morley, BBC Music Magazine)
"Benjamin Sears and Bradford Conner's enjoyable Keep On Smiling collects 23 songs by Irving Berlin, 1915-1918. Berlin's earliest hit was his 1911 Alexander's Ragtime Band, so the album allows us to hear some of his follow-ups."
(Max Preeo, Show Music)
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Lyrics by Ira Gershwin
Boston Globe "Best CDs of 1995"
"This is a, well, delicious program conceived and amicably served by vocalist Benjamin Sears and pianist Bradford Conner. What is outstanding - besides the knowing performances - is the comprehensiveness of the program. It makes one wish for a Volume Two; meanwhile, treasure this intelligent and beautifully presented tribute to Ira."
(Gershwin [1998 edition], Edward Jablonski)
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Sweet and Low-Down
Songs by George Gershwin
"Sears and Conner perform with the zeal of true Gershwin aficionados" (Show Music)
"This is not only a delightful recording in its own right, but because of the inclusion of many little-known songs, will make it onto our playlist."
(Stephen Peithman, Musical Stages,
"Having the time of their lives." (InTheater Magazine)
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Beyond the Rainbow
Lyrics by E.Y. Harburg
"The Boston duo has turned its spirited skills to the work of lyricist E.Y. Harburg" (Billboard)
"Do get this one when you can - it is quite excellent and one of the best recital discs of show music I have heard in quite a long while. I have played it about 6 times - all the way through, too - and that is really something in a busy life! It contains eleven premiere recordings of Harburg songs: a must, therefore, for any collection."
(David Lewis, BBC Radio Lancashire)
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Noël & Cole
Together With Music
With Valerie Anastasio & Tim Harbold
Now in the
Amazon.com cabaret top 100!
"What a swell party indeed!"
(Beverly Creasy, Theater Mirror) (review of Scullers Jazz Club performance)
"A charming, enthusiastic pairing of two songwriters whose like, unfortunately, the musical theatre will never produce again."
(Irv Lichtman, Billboard)
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Rest You Merry
Songs for the Holiday Season
"This homespun enterprise offers pleasures. Conner's arrangements are sophisticated and Sears puts over every word, making it clear and meaningful, and his sense of rhythm is unfailing. Sears can deliver a Christmas song with unaffected intelligence and feeling."
(Richard Dyer, Boston Globe)
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She's So Beautiful
Irving Berlin Songs for Florenz Ziegfeld 1910-1927
And other songs from 1919-1921
"If you're interested in hearing some of the 1,200-plus Irving Berlin songs compiled in the recently published Complete Lyrics of Irving Berlin, She's So Beautiful is a good place to start."
(Jim Bessman, Billboard)
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Everybody Step
Irving Berlin's Music Box Revues and Other Songs from 1921-1925
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Fred & Ethel
The Great Songs of Fred Astaire and Ethel Merman
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